Friday, December 26, 2008

Tendonitis and Chitlins

As always, there's never a dull moment around our house. As I said in my last post, we had a big ice storm last Thursday and Friday. As beautiful as it made the scenery, it caused alot of problems in town with downed trees and power lines. We were lucky, except for downed tree limbs in our garage and parking area, one big one across the hood of Lafayette's truck. While trying to remove the limb, he slipped on the ice and twisted his knee! He tried to ice it (ironic, huh?) and stay off of it, but still couldn't bear weight on Saturday, so off we went to urgent care. I was fearing another knee surgery, but was relieved to hear it was only a strained ligament and they put him in a immobilizer for two weeks. Luckily, his job is on shut down for the holidays, so he should be good to go back to work on January 5th. Hallelujah!

The weather played a big role in our schedule for the rest of the week. The temps hovered around zero Sunday and Monday and we had another snow and ice storm on Tuesday. Olivia and I spent one day cleaning her room, parting with some old toys to make room for any new ones that Santa might bring. This was a little sad for me, because I can see her growing up through the changes in her room. We moved out her Princess makeup table and put in a student desk. We took down some Barbie posters, and up went High School Musical and Jonas Brothers posters. We sorted through the movies and I had to laugh when she held up a DVD of Zach and Cody episodes and said, "We can't give this away, it's a classic!" (This is what I have told her about some of the old Disney movies). We watched alot of our Christmas favorites, the Santa Claus movies, Elf, and Unaccompianied Minors. Olivia also recently got some "Webkinz", stuffed animals that have codes you can use to play games online, and has enjoyed playing in Webkinz World online.

We always go to Wyoming for Christmas Eve, but the weather wasn't really cooperating this year. Instead of spending the evening, we went earlier for lunch at Cristy's. I worry about Dad spending Christmas Day home alone, but he insists he doesn't mind, he watches all the ballgames. I wish he would come into Peoria on Christmas Day, but I can't make him. Growing up, we spent Christmas Eve and Christmas night with my Mom's sister and my cousins and their families. We told stories, played poker and had alot of fun. Things are more low key for our Christmases now, I wonder what Olivia will remember about the holidays when she's grown up and what traditions she'll make with her own family. One of our developing traditions is to watch "The Nativity Story" movie on Christmas Eve. It's wonderful to see how Olivia reacts to it each year, and it reminds us the reason for the season and what sacrifices were made to provide us a Saviour.
Yesterday, on Christmas, Santa really came throught, bringing all the things on Olivia's list (except the roses!) and we had alot of fun playing with all the toys, especially the Wii! We played the sports games, like tennis and bowling, and some of the other games we got, like Shrek and Happy Feet. We also got a game that has our favorite board games like Sorry and Yahtzee. We had such a good time that we didn't even get dressed until 5 in the afternoon (why bother, huh?) Olivia shared that she was starting to worry because some kids at school don't believe in Santa and think their parents buy the presents, but she knew Santa is real, because her Dad and I couldn't afford a Wii! :>) She added to her snowglobe collection, got a bunkbed for her AG dolls and a stocking full of DS games, movies and other toys. My favorite quote was "Santa went to the bookfair?!?!?" (There was a couple of items in her stocking that she remembered from her school bookfair). I got Burberry perfume, and Laf got some accessories for his Laptop, so it was a wonderful Christmas for all of us.

But I guess I should explain the title of this post. Playing the Wii proved a few challenges for me, as my left arm still isn't 100%, and as the day wore on, my right arm was getting sore! That's where the tendonitis comes in! "Chitlins" (correctly spelled Chitterlings) is a food my husband's Mom fixes every year at Christmas. It's the intestines of the pig, which is enough to tell me I don't want any. Normally, my mother in law cooks them, but this year she's in the process of moving, so Lafayette decided to make them (gasp!) at our house (imagine the look of horror on my face). I say this, because I think they stink horribly while cooking. To my husband, it's a smell that is familiar with his childhood. (Kind of like that Ben Gay smell I associate with my grandparent's house). Anyway, our childhood smells were merged as my house now smells like chitlins and the Ben Gay I used on my sore shoulder!

The weather looks good for the next week, so we're looking forward to getting out of the house and seeing some movies, as well as a trip to the American Girl store in Chicago on Monday. I hope everyone had a great Christmas and enjoys a safe and happy New Year!!

Friday, December 19, 2008


We had an ice storm here in Peoria last night. It was pretty nasty, but could have been worse! We never lost power, but we did have some pretty big tree branches right on Lafayette's truck! He's got a good dent in the hood, but it is drive-able. He normally wouldn't have been home during the night, but his job shut down at midnight because of the weather. He's very picky about his vehicle, so he's pretty mad. I tried to remind him to be thankful it wasn't thru the windshield or worse, but he's not feeling very lucky. Anyway, here's a couple of pics. Even with all the destruction, I think the trees actually look beautiful. I hope everyone else weathered the storm OK!

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

typng is hrd 1-hnded

Ok, it's not quite that bad, but it takes a little longer, which is why I haven't posted yet. The surgery went well, much better than my right elbow (as anticipated). My good friend, Judy, took me to the hospital and stayed with me and kept me laughing all the way into the operating room. Because of the location of the incision the Doc decided not to splint it (hallelujah) so I have some motion, just can't lift or curl up the elbow. I did have some problems with the anesthesia this time, and am THANKING GOD for the nurse with enough fore-thought to give me an "air sick" back as she put me in the car, because I sure needed it! After a very rough Thursday and Friday, I was feeling much better by Saturday. Olivia had been such a great helper that I treated her by agreeing to go to the Christmas program at Riverside on Sat night. One of her friends was in it, but the entire production was awesome! It really boosted my spirit and put me in the right frame of mind for the holidays. Check out their website for some pics: . The little outing took a lot out of me, so I was back in bed all day Sunday.

On Monday, I tried to wrap a couple of presents (mostly gift bags, the wrapping didn't go so well one-handed), and pick up around the house (which after 4 days looked like a tornado went thru). Tinkerbell spent some quality time in my lap while I watched a couple of movies. I ventured out for an eye doctor appt in the afternoon (my driver's ed teacher would be disappointed that my hands were at 7 and 2), and was horrified to hear the diagnosis...bifocals!! I pleaded, begged and practically cried before I convinced him I could continue to use one pair for driving and one for reading for another year. I don't know why, but bi-focals seem like a monumental gosh-you-are-REALLY-getting old step. I felt truly victorious to say "I may be overweight and have been called Grandma at Olivia's school...but at least I don't wear bi-focals!!" Hey, small victories make up your life, you know!

Today was a snowy day here. We were supposed to have our Christmas party for the Brownie Troop, but Mother Nature put the kabosh on it. Tomorrow night is a Christmas party with church friends, where we have the "white elephant" exchange. This means I have to scour the house for an unwanted, preferably obnoxious, item to give away. Last year, Olivia contributed a purple pig bank that shook and said "FEED ME!" whenever you put money in. I was really sorry to see that thing go...

To close, I'll add my top 5 bummers and top 5 blessings from having (another) surgery:

Bummer: Need help fastening bra Blessing: Sports bras!!
Bummer: itchy stitches Blessing: Straw trick Olivia saw on Curious George!
Bummer: Messy House Blessing: I don't care!
Bummer: Feeling icky Blessing: Getting phone calls and prayers from friends
Bummer: Not being able to cook Blessing: Not being able to cook!

Thanks to all for your calls and prayers, they were very much appreciated!!

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Coupla things...

Olivia, along with several other Richwoods CC kids, is in a calendar sponsored by the Junior League to raise money for the new children's museum. It's a cute calendar, each month is a group of kids doing "grown up" things, like doctors, realtors and garbage persons! Richwoods page features the kids as the worship band. If you would like to order a calendar, contact the Junior League at 309-685-9312 - to order with a credit card, or you can mail a check ($15 per calendar) to Junior League of Peoria, 256 NE Randolph, Peoria IL 61606.

Wanted to share this Mom moment...I guess I was feeling a little blue last night and was giving Olivia an extra long hug good night and telling her how good a girl she is and how much I love her and she says..."what's the matter, Mom, did you watch a sad movie or something??" I had to giggle!

Here's the pics from the school concert and the raffle win.

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Whew! The long week is over...

The first week in December is always a busy one for us. On Thursday night we had the Christmas concert at Olivia's school. "Nana and Papa" Kurtz went with us. It's always really cute to watch the kids. Do you believe I don't have a photo?? I forgot my camera, but someone might send me one that I'll post later.

Friday I spent the afternoon at the church decorating for the children's Christmas play, "The Gift". Here's a link to some photos:
It was amazing! The kids did such a great job and Mrs. Anderson always writes a wonderful story! Olivia was an angel named "Eleora", assigned to the CECT team in heaven (The Cosmic Events Creative Team). It was a hoot!

Saturday was the Santa Breakfast at Olivia's school. Olivia got to tell Santa her list (although she was pretty sure this guy just works for the real Santa), and we won a bike in the raffle! Olivia had play date in the afternoon, which gave me a chance to go out and finish up most of my shopping. I was looking for a Wii Fit but didn't find any. The Clerk at Walmart said they hadn't had any in a month. I checked online and didn't have any luck there either, but after a couple of other purchases online, I can say that I'm officially done shopping!! Woo-hoo! (Olivia just saw a "Baby Alive" doll on TV that learns to poddy train and sings "pee pee on the poddy!". I saw Olivia open her mouth to ask for it and said "No!")

I've been baking cookies for the freezer, trying to get everything done before Thursday. Finishing up the last paper for my class and laundry is all I'm going to fit in today. I think I'll sleep all next weekend!

Please keep Kim and family in your continued prayers. Also my friend, Penny, who's brother in law lost his battle with cancer this week. Please pray for my friend, Annette, so far from home and family this holiday. And if you have any prayers left, keep me in mind on Thursday!

I'll probably peck out a post next weekend, just to let you know how I'm doing!


Monday, December 1, 2008

Dear St. Nik...

Dear St. Nik, I will like for Crismas is a Wii and pupe (puppy) in a pouch and a snow glob and roses (?) and a happy chrismas. Say hi to Rudolph and Rupid (Cupid) for me and have a Mary Chrismas. Love, Olivia

I should be shocked by the spelling, but I think Santa will cut her a break! Here's some pics from this weekend's snow.

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Let the madness begin!

We had a good Thanksgiving here at the Streeter's, so much to be thankful for! Olivia didn't have school on Wednesday so we went out to breakfast, did some grocery shopping and went to see "Bolt". (Cute movie, by the way!) Dad, Roger, Emmy, Donald, Cristy and McKenna came for dinner on Thursday, along with our friends, Christina and Hannah. I always make way too much food, but my brother (the human garbage disposal) will take all the left overs. (Mom used to call him Jethro because he would eat Raisin Bran out of her mixing bowls, like Jethro on Beverly Hillbillies!). Dad was the last to arrive, first to leave (probably had a hot date). Christina had brought their Wii, but I couldn't convince Dad to play. I told him that he should practice bowling for when he goes into a home. (He didn't find that funny at all). We rented a couple of games to see which ones we like, since Santa's coming thru with a Wii. We didn't like "Cooking Mama" and Olivia didn't like "Mario Cart". I found out I'm AWESOME at bowling, but TERRIBLE at baseball (the mercy rule kicked in, I struck out every time). Christina and I watched McDreamy in "Made of Honor" and made our Walmart list for Friday morning. I kept Hannah all night so Christina did that insane 5 am thing, but they did have some good deals.

I took the girls to the Santa Parade on Friday. It was sunny, but cold. It was a good parade, almost 1 1/2 hours long! Then we hit the mall to see if there were any hot deals left (there weren't). The mall was pretty full, so I don't know if people were shopping or buying. We really should avoid the mall in the future. They have a Build a Bear in there now and it's one of Olivia's big vices. They have a boy and girl moose (Hal and Holly) and Hal's antler's light up. So after serious negotiation (and plain old begging) Olivia got them with Aunt Emmy's Christmas money, with the condition they get wrapped up for Christmas and Olivia has to look appropriately surprised. Chinese food seemed like a great alternatives to left overs, so dinner was easy!

Olivia and I are working on the Christmas decorations today. I don't know why I'm so unmotivated about it this year. It seems like a chore. So I'm playing some Dean Martin and Nat King Cole to get me in the mood. It's one of those times I miss my Mom the most. She was always good at supervising where the tree was bare and what was missing. Mostly she just loved Christmas! I hope I can pass on some of that Joy to Olivia. What an amazing Grandma she would have been to Olivia. They would have been the best of friends.

Busy week ahead, Olivia has a birthday party tomorrow after church (for Max, whom she has a crush on). I have a girl scout cookie meeting on Tuesday (whoopie) and then Thursday night is the school's Christmas concert, Friday night is the church play and Saturday is the PTO Santa Breakfast at Olivia's school. I'm having surgery on my left elbow on December 10th, so I want to have Christmas shopping and baking done before then (fat chance). The incision will be much smaller this time and recovery much faster (3 weeks as opposed to 9), so I should be feeling good by Christmas. It's just a busy time to be throwing surgery in there!

Anyway, continue to keep the Pequettes in your prayers, Kim is having surgery on her spine this week. Also, please pray for our friends the Kurtzes, who lost their oldest child, Connie, this year. It will be a tough holiday season for them. I hope all of you had a great Thanksgiving and stop to enjoy the message of Christ this season and appreciate "The Gift" that God sent us.


Saturday, November 22, 2008

What lives behind the refrigerator?

OK, it's that time again. Family is coming for dinner, so I have to REALLY clean my house. It got neglected this summer when we were camping every weekend, so it's long overdue. When I pulled out the fridge, Olivia made that "EEEEWWWWW!" sound, and all I could do was nod in agreement. I guess I held out some prayer that the cleaning fairies would come in my sleep, but since that didn't happen, I'll thank God that I'm able to do it myself.

We had a good week. On Tuesday, we were blessed to be given tickets to see the Rockette show at the Civic Center, which was really good. Robin and I went to see Kim on Thursday and we were thrilled to see her fighting spirit. Please continue to keep this family in your prayers.

Next Thursday, my Dad and Brother and his family will come for dinner at noon. In our family, it's known as the earliest, fastest dinner in Thanksgiving history, as Cristy always has to go to her inlaws for another dinner in the PM. Olivia gets to pick the desert, and she's picked a frozen oreo pie (big surprise). They'll all be gone by 4 and then we'll look at all the ads and Olivia makes her Christmas list for Santa to give to him at the parade on Friday. I wonder how many more years of believing we'll have.

I hope all of you have a wonderful holiday!

Monday, November 17, 2008

A woman's secrets

I could use a laugh and I've been giggling about this one every time I think of it. Yesterday at church we were sitting in the fellowship hall with Tyus and Grant, and Tyus (who is the same age as Olivia commented that he liked my fingernails. "But they're fake!" Olivia declared. "Olivia, you shouldn't tell a woman's secrets", I told her. Tyus' eyes got very big and said, "I wanna know them all! I didn't know women had secrets!" I thought I'd fall off my chair, laughing!!

Sunday, November 16, 2008

The Lion, Tin Man and the "Squarecrow"

Olivia and I were watching The Wizard of Oz tonight, and I was thrilled to say that she was totally into it. I was afraid that she's seen to much modern cinema to like it! I can only imagine what it must have been like for children to watch this movie in 1939! Olivia did ask questions like, "Why don't they fellow the red brick road?" and "Is Grandpa in this movie?" and "Why is the witch's face green?" But I just told her to "shush and watch the movie" because I didn't know the answers!! Anyway, I'm glad that there's another childhood memory I can share with her, there seem to be so few.

It was AWESOME to see Kim at church today, and to make plans to see her on Thursday. Please continue to pray for this very brave and wonderful woman.

Also, I FINALLY figured out how to add a slide show on here, so check out the pics. I'll keep adding new ones.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

A rough 24 hours...

Remember how I said in an earlier post that I'm trying to take life's negatives and turn them into positives? When you pray for your faith to be stronger, you're likely to have that tested. Yesterday, I found out that my friend, Kim, is sick. Really sick. After that moment of shock and devastation, the obvious question follows... Why? Why is this happening to her? Why is this happening to her family? Her children? Kim is a devoted mother, one of the best I know. She's a good friend, and her light as a child of God shines brightly for all too see. Faith doesn't keep me from asking the questions, but it does comfort me in my worry and fear. Please pray for my friend, Kim, and for her family, that they will have strength in the tough days ahead.

After getting this terrible news, I began to feel sick and by 5 pm last night, my body was at full war with some horrible virus. After a very LONG night, I'm feeling better and have started the BRAT diet (bananas, rice, applesauce, toast). So hopefully, it was just some 24 hour bug, but it was one of the worst bouts of flu I've ever had! Olivia just had her flu shot on Tuesday, I sure hope she doesn't get it. She was my best girl taking care of me last night. What a good girl she is.

So it's been a long 24 hours at our house. Perhaps my body just physically reacting to my broken heart.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Why did I go back to college?

There are times when I think senility starts at 40, and the first crazy move I made was to go back to college. I'm struggling to finish an "issue paper" due this week, which should be easy, given the fact I love to argue...i mean, debate. I chose to report on the effectiveness of the parental TV rating system, so I'll be forced to watch some television tonight (Oh, darn). Too bad I can't write on the effect of the popcorn to my hips...I've got plenty of research for that already!
It's been good news and bad this week. I'm trying to be thankful for all things and think of negatives as positives. Olivia got a C in her least favorite subject (math), but got "A"s in effort and conduct, so I'm happy she's trying her best. When she had a teeth cleaning yesterday, her dentist suggested we see an orthodontist because one of her permanent top teeth is hitting one on the bottom and it's going to inhibit it from coming all the way down. But intervention now could help prevent braces later. And she was very brave getting her flu shot. I went into the car dealership for an oil change and found out my brakes were shot! But it was caught before I had an accident! I had lunch with Dad on Monday. He had 2nd degree chemical burns on one of his hands...from using OFF oven cleaner on his floor?!?!?!?!? Good news is that he is healing well. But the best news of the week is that I found a Wii! Olivia has been wanting one since last Christmas and I haven't been able to find one until this week (thanks, Cassi and Brett, you were my lucky charms!) It kind of breaks the Christmas budget, but with Christmas money from Grandpa, Santa will be able to make one little girl very happy on Christmas morning. So thanks be to God for all our blessings this week, even the ones you have to look a little harder to find.

Weather here is dreary, so I'm envisioning sitting by the pool in the Arizona sun with Annette. How many days until Spring? At least I haven't seen the foot (or is it feet?) of snow that Christy has seen in Wyoming! I'm sending potty training thoughts to Penny with her new puppy Lucy Doo. (let's hope Lucy doesn't Doo Doo too much!) Olivia sends love to her friend Kindred, who got a Felicity doll for her birthday. Also, thanks to Vicki and Barb for letting me tag along to the movies Monday to see "The Secret Life of Bees". It was a great movie!

OK, enough stalling, better get to writing that paper...

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Long Time Reader, First Time Blogger

OK, so I'm a copycat. I've loved reading a blog of a friend who moved away (thanks, Christy!) and since I have serious over-commitment issues, (Olivia asked this week, "Mom, why do you sign up for everything?!") this is a quick way to keep everyone up to date with our lives.

We are enjoying a somewhat down weekend, our first in a long, long time. We camped almost every weekend between Memorial Day and November, so it's almost wierd being home. I worked most of the week at the Book Fair at Olivia's school, (where I caught a cold), so I've been trying to recuperate while doing somethings at home. I really needed these "snuggle buggle in bed, pajamas, no-hair, no-makeup days to rejuvenate. After practice for the Christmas program at church yesterday morning, Olivia and I spent the rest of the day scrapbooking and watching movies while doing the laundry. One of the movies I can recommend is "Martian Child" with John Cusack, a good movie about letting a child to be themselves.

It's been a year with a few trials, but we have so much to be thankful for. We got a new puppy in January, promptly named Tinkerbell, (who just turned one this week!), and she has become a treasured member of the family. We bought a camper and have it permanently parked at a local campground, and spent most of the summer weekends there. Although I had reservations about the expense, Olivia had a great time and so it was worth it. She spent alot of time in the great outdoors, and she became a really good swimmer. Now she's in the second grade, she's a Brownie girl scout (guess who's the troop leader??) and excited about life. She's my greatest gift.

I'll post as often as I can and hope you enjoy hearing about our adventures in life. Please keep our family in your prayers and let us know how we can pray for you!