Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Why did I go back to college?

There are times when I think senility starts at 40, and the first crazy move I made was to go back to college. I'm struggling to finish an "issue paper" due this week, which should be easy, given the fact I love to argue...i mean, debate. I chose to report on the effectiveness of the parental TV rating system, so I'll be forced to watch some television tonight (Oh, darn). Too bad I can't write on the effect of the popcorn to my hips...I've got plenty of research for that already!
It's been good news and bad this week. I'm trying to be thankful for all things and think of negatives as positives. Olivia got a C in her least favorite subject (math), but got "A"s in effort and conduct, so I'm happy she's trying her best. When she had a teeth cleaning yesterday, her dentist suggested we see an orthodontist because one of her permanent top teeth is hitting one on the bottom and it's going to inhibit it from coming all the way down. But intervention now could help prevent braces later. And she was very brave getting her flu shot. I went into the car dealership for an oil change and found out my brakes were shot! But it was caught before I had an accident! I had lunch with Dad on Monday. He had 2nd degree chemical burns on one of his hands...from using OFF oven cleaner on his floor?!?!?!?!? Good news is that he is healing well. But the best news of the week is that I found a Wii! Olivia has been wanting one since last Christmas and I haven't been able to find one until this week (thanks, Cassi and Brett, you were my lucky charms!) It kind of breaks the Christmas budget, but with Christmas money from Grandpa, Santa will be able to make one little girl very happy on Christmas morning. So thanks be to God for all our blessings this week, even the ones you have to look a little harder to find.

Weather here is dreary, so I'm envisioning sitting by the pool in the Arizona sun with Annette. How many days until Spring? At least I haven't seen the foot (or is it feet?) of snow that Christy has seen in Wyoming! I'm sending potty training thoughts to Penny with her new puppy Lucy Doo. (let's hope Lucy doesn't Doo Doo too much!) Olivia sends love to her friend Kindred, who got a Felicity doll for her birthday. Also, thanks to Vicki and Barb for letting me tag along to the movies Monday to see "The Secret Life of Bees". It was a great movie!

OK, enough stalling, better get to writing that paper...


Christy said...

Kindrid wants to know if Olivia's puppy is a girl??

Love the missing tooth! How cute is that?

Debbie said...

Tinkbell (or more commonly called Stinkerbell) is a girl! Yes, the tooth fairy has been busy at our house!